Trailer Weight
Build a food trailer. A trustworthy trailer builder will always weight the trailer after it has been built to modify the tire and loading label on the trailer. This is a must to comply with NHTSA & DOT regulation. Concession Nation’s quality control weights every trailer and produces an updated tire & loading label that is affixed to the trailer’s tongue. So you can rest assured, that your food trailer will leave our premises “by the book.”
Health Department Codes & Regulations
A reputable food trailer builder, must build your concession trailer according to the local health department codes and regulations. This will ensure you pass your health department inspection. This is crucial to be able to operate your business legally.
Plumbing, Electrical, Propane, FSS
An outstanding trailer builder, must know how to properly install plumbing, electrical and propane systems. Furthermore, it must use a third party certified LP company to verify propane work, check there are no leaks and issue certification. If using fire suppression system, it must also use a certified company to issue a report stating the system is ready to arm and properly installed.
What cooling & cooking equipment will be installed?
A reputable trailer builder, will ensure that all equipment is commercial and NSF approved. Also, a respected trailer builder will list equipment brands and models on their proposal. Buyer be aware of companies that withhold this information.
Concession Nation’s proposals include every brand and model for full disclosure and customer’s confidence in knowing exactly what they are purchasing.
Does it include a generator or will it be battery powered?
Concession Nation will list the generator make and model on your proposal, if you have requested one. Please make sure you look for this line item in other competitor’s quotes, as too many times, it is omitted to make the estimate total seem lower. Then, once you are getting the food trailer built they surprise you with the no generator news.
Concession Nation, Inc. is the #1 U.S. trailer builder, & industry leader. We have been in business since 2006. We use our own trailer manufacturer to build the trailer shells.